Project Love Coal

Visit our website: projectlovecoal

A charcoal briquette, or yeontan as known in Korean, is a cheap energy source used to heat ondol floors (heat transfer from water boiled and forced through tubes embedded in the floors) of traditional Korean homes.  Most young people in Korea now associate these briquettes only to cooking systems used at Korean barbeque restaurants.  However, only three short decades ago, this inexpensive energy source dominated all homes in Korea.  These days the young had almost forgotten that these briquettes remain an essential home heating source for the least of those among us, those who can’t afford to heat with gas or oil.  These less fortunate citizens of Korea are usually senior citizens left behind economically by Korea’s rapid modernization.  These seniors depend exclusively on charcoal briquettes to survive through our cold winters.  Although a day’s supply for an entire traditional home is only W1,500 Korean Won, or ($1.50) a day, it was shocking to discover that some of our revered elders are unable to afford that cost.  They were suffering in the cold!! 

Last winter, my classmates and I gathered together, and organized a fundraiser to earn money to buy yeontan for our less fortunate neighbors. What’s more, we recruited more fellow schoolmates and successfully delivered 1,500 briquettes to five homes. However, this is not enough. It took forty of us more than 6 hours to deliver our 1,500 briquettes to just five homes, and that amount will only suffice to provide heat for a single winter season.

This is why I am asking for your help.  We will accept labor, in-kind contributions, or money to buy the briquettes.  Please send money, or volunteer to help us during our fund raising events.  Joining us during our delivery trips is also very welcomed!  Help us spread the love through Project Love Coal.

Read more:

Cornerstone -Samantha's CAS project.pdf (2,2 MB)


Watch our Youtube clip: Love Coal Delivery:

2013 :

2014 :